May 28, 2021 Featured, News No Comments

As air pollution choking the lives of the cities, the need for electric vehicles intensifies. Many people believe that electric vehicles are something that our future holds. However, they don’t understand that this change in the present can lead to a healthy future. Today, electric vehicles are being launched at an increasing pace due to CO2 emissions. While this brings a new age of mobility, there are several misconceptions associated with it.

Here are some of the age-old myths revolving around electric vehicles:

  1. Myth: Electric vehicles are generally slow

In today’s day and age, there is no way electric vehicles can be slow-moving. In reality, most electric car models are even faster when compared to their diesel or petrol counterparts. One of the critical reasons why electric vehicles are swift because they have advanced high-performance powertrains. Moreover, these vehicle systems can provide better acceleration and allow comfortable speeds for intra-city driving.

  1. Myth: Fast charging electric car is a hoax

With technological breakthroughs and the latest batteries, the time required to charge an electric car has decreased. Charging an electric vehicle depends on the capacity of your battery and the power of a charging point.

  1. Myth: Electric vehicles run out of charge quickly

A common myth is that your electric vehicle can run out of charge quickly and you will get stuck by the side of the road. Since the advancements of technology, newer electric vehicles allow your car to run for 300+ kilometers on a full charge. In case of a low charge, your EV will send out a warning signal.

  1. Myth: Electric vehicles and Lithium batteries are dangerous

While electric vehicles are great for the environment, several discussions around their safety are doing the rounds. Lithium is highly combustible in nature that provides high energy, even in a small amount. Therefore, there’s a risk of fire associated with it. Also, in various applications, lithium-ion batteries may experience shifts in temperature, which can influence the vehicle’s performance. However, this problem is solved by many EV companies with their intelligent Battery Management System (BMS) which can carry out various functions such as cooling, insulation, heating and ventilation.

  1. Myth: A well-structured charging infrastructure is critical for electric vehicle adoption on a larger scale

Most EV owners charge their vehicles at their workplace when their vehicle is in an idle state or at their home when they are sleeping. But when you are going on a trip, you have to charge in public space at some point. The infrastructure of public EV charging is emerging at a face pace as the number of startups like Prakriti E-Mobility Pvt. Ltd. investing in building it.

EVs have evolved from questionable charging and low-powered vehicles to convenient charging, high-performance transport solutions. Hence, EV is our present, embrace it.

Written by Prakriti