An unfamiliar city is like a maze wherein the roads are unknown and shortcomings are unpredicted. Whether you’ve relocated to a new city or visiting a city for a vacation, mobility becomes an integral part of the process.

In order to save yourself from the nuisance of navigating in the unknown public transport system, you must hire an electric cab from a reputed car hire company. Furthermore, there are some…

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Before we get to the “can” aspect of the above question, we want to address the “should” aspect of it by saying, yes absolutely.

Ever since the government announced the lockdown on 24th march 2020, the concerned authorities as well as the general public started to notice a dramatic improvement in air quality. This sudden change in pollution levels seen especially across big cities like New Delhi, Mumbai & Bangalore….

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Causes & Effects Of The Australian Bush Fires:

Bush fires are a consistent phenomenon across the globe and especially in the barren lands of Australia. However, just because bush fires are common, does not mean they aren’t a threat to the safety of the people, animals and the environment. Case in point, the bush fires that are currently burning Australia as a whole.

Since the fires started in September, approximately 23 people…

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